Welcome at Tango Amsterdam – Arjan & Marianne

for tango lessons and the tango salon

Modestly danced and full of expression, a dialogue between man and woman in an embrace, this is the Argentine tango. 


We teach our students the tango as danced by young and old in the salons of Buenos Aires, i.e. in an embrace.

Central is dancing with each other in harmony with the music. We give great attention to posture, technique and the mutual communication of the dance couple.

Our experiences are based on our numerous stays in Buenos Aires from 1991 onwards, and on our contacts and lessons with our maestros there.

The pure approach to tango and the respect for its culture always comes first.

We have been teaching tango since 1994.

Tango salons in Frankendael and Jungle (before De Plantage)

The salon with its beautiful dance floor and good acoustics, is known for its typical Argentine tango in a relaxed atmosphere. The choice of music by DJ el Irresistible (and guest DJ’s) also plays a very important role.

Addresses of our studio/salons

New pages: Dance partner wanted   |   Tango music 





Sad, sensual, sleepy,
mixture of laughter and cries,
flies from the instruments,
gets into the heart,
igniting the passion
that is asleep in the soul.
‘Apología tanguera’ A. P. Maroni