We perform regularly with improvisation and choreographies which consist of a wide repertoire of dance styles from old to modern, with a choice of music and image of a particular era which matches the music. Elegance and humor are important, but the main thing is the typical characteristic of the tango: modesty.
We dance tango de salón (improvisation), tango fantasía (tango with modern elements, widely used at shows), tango waltz, milonga (with traspies) and tango orillera and tango canyengue (old style tango of the late 20s with more humor, a style closely related to milonga, precursor of the tango.
Various venues and a range of events and occasions offer a platform to show our dance, for example:
- the show Tango Heroes (2006-2008) of Carel Kraayenhof and his Sexteto Canyengue. Sixty performances are played throughout the Netherlands for a very enthusiastic crowd, including a sold out Concert Hall and further three sold-out performances in The Modern House of Music (1700 seats), Moscow, for a wildly enthusiastic audience in 2007, 2008 and 2009;
letter from Moskou - between 2004 and 2011 we performed in the salons La Baldosa, Sin Rumbo, Canning, Sunderland and eight more, all in Buenos Aires. Also before 2004 we performed a dozen times in several salons;
- the homage to Hans van Manen in the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam on the occasion of the Erasmus Prize being awarded to him;
- the New Year’s concert by Philips with the Philips Symphony Orchestra and the Sexteto Canyengue;
- Fiesta Latina with the Dutch Chamber Orchestra in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ;
- Summer Symfonia Haarlem with Holland Symfonia;
- several TV programs about tango.
We also perform in tango salons in The Netherlands and several European countries.
Marianne van Berlo – ink